Sunday, March 22, 2015

D for?

The lady Deepika Padukone is trending after her famous interview with Barkha Dutt where she announced her victory over depression. I did an internet search and discovered so many successful people who have battled and won over depression ( I already knew about J. K.  Rowling & Lincoln). Also, I read up some very easily doable stuff which can help win over depression; they should help - but even if they do not; they are harmless.

1. enjoy the sun
2. eat banana ( yes :D )
3. exercise
4. meditate
5. consciously fight back the doom
6. sleep and eat healthy - may not be easy, but remember; you are your own master
7. sleep on clean, tidy bed ( stop being that lazy bum :D )
8. go to a doctor; you went for a doc when you had fever, this is no different
9. you do not like what he says, take a second opinion. Remember; you are your own master!
10. rise & shine :)  Get up from your bed, go for a walk in the park.

p.s. Some of these are equally good as weight loss tips too :)

36% people in India have depression and that's only a reported number. The fear is that the actual number is far higher. You may not have depression; your friend might have it. Help your friend - you do not laugh or ignore when your friend complains of a broken arm or a high temperature. Do not make light if your friend complains of depression - help him rise and shine!

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