Monday, September 26, 2011

a good conversation

i told her i like the smell of old forgotten books
she told me it rained last night
...and it was a good conversation
we may not have understood each other that day
but at least we made sense to ourselves
yes, it was a good conversation
perhaps the only good one 
in the past some years
or in the past some lives

Sunday, September 25, 2011

that boy

He carries time in the lines of his face
And an agelessness
His eyes, they never twinkle but are a constant silent scream
They speak all time of what they have seen
And the fear, of things yet to be seen
His smile, always grateful to be there
And rare.
And he waits the girl who can make it all right again
Just that he knows,
He has let her go too many times
And the last time was really the last time.
Yet he waits
Because he has nothing else to do
(he is very busy
But then, that’s just a hoax too)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


when i pass by you
i remember a rose that you never gave me

when i walk by the midnight moon
i remember a winter that has never passed by

Monday, September 19, 2011

it rained the whole night

It rained the whole night
I thought of him the whole night.

I told the rain I donot love him
And it rained the whole night
The rain was just like him
Not ready to take no for an answer

A constant pitter patter against my heart
It rained the whole night
It kept nudging me throughout
Pushing me towards him
In his arms, where he was standing
Under the rainbow, with a smile.

Yes, it rained the whole night
I thought of him the whole night

Friday, September 16, 2011

ekhon proshnobudhok hridoy

ekhon proshnobudhok hridoy
aru egosa ujagor rati
ekhon sinaki akaakh
aru eta osinaki mon

aji akaah'ot kiyo iman tora
aji akaah'ot kiyo iman nistobdhota
aji mon'ot kiyo iman xunyota
aji monot kiyo iman kulahol

aru eiburor faake faake eta xaanghatik bhoi
janusa kunubai uttor bur muk bujai diye !

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Here comes the rain again
My heart rustles like a paper, again
Turns to a boat, sails by
In search of you, again
And I know
Somewhere you too have risen
To the smell of mouldy earth!
Here comes the rain again.