Saturday, June 30, 2012

Facebook, Public Opinion and the Environment

Why do we need to create public awareness and public opinion? Can these change the society? Can these save the environment? Can all these blogs, videos, etc on environment, nature, etc. actually save the earth?

Well, I believe they can. And today I want to share a short story.

The story started in February 2004 when a friendly giant was born. A big giant it was and to live and grow bigger, it needed a lot of foods. It ate all the trees it could see around itself and kept growing happily. But nature suffered; people working for environment started getting worried. And one day, one such worker wrote a petition to the giant saying that instead of eating the green trees, it can start to sustain on alternative food. Many people read the petition and signed it. Some people say that the giant had a change of mind by itself; some say public opinion changed its mind. The fact remains that the giant decided to change its food habits and slowly it started to get itself accustomed to alternative food.

Well, the social network giant, facebook was launched in February, 2004. Needless to say, due to its nature of operation, it consumed a lot of electricity. This was a concern to the environment. By 2010, Facebook and its creator, Mark Zuckerberg had to face severe criticism from Greenpeace, one of the most famous environmental organizations of our time. It was in 2010, that Facebook finally announced its mission of “going green”. It added a site “Green on Facebook” ( which admits that with millions of Facebook users in its kitty, Facebook can play a unique role in promoting efforts to achieve a sustainable future.

Also, in November, 2011, Facebook announced that its Prineville data center in Oregon has received LEED Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, with the company noting that the facility (which recaptures 100 percent of rainwater, includes a solar array and uses cool air from outside the building to reduce heat) uses 38 percent less energy than comparable facilities. And this was just the beginning; after that Facebook had many such good news to share.

In the end, I would like to share that famous video by Greenpeace: “Facebook: Unfriend Coal”. This video was launched in September 2010. The following November, Facebook announced its decision to go green.

This is an interesting video; do watch it.

And in the meantime; keep spreading the awareness. Mother Earth needs it.

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