Monday, July 30, 2012

butterfly dreams

the butterfly dreams crawl by
and slowly moves towards a yellow dawn

in the meanwhile

the night takes twisted turns in its caterpillar length
till the day breaks out as murky moth

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

evening tea

he served me rain
and an empty cup
the best evening tea, ever !

Thursday, July 19, 2012

55 word story 2


Chocolate, viagra, alcohol, oyster, psychoanalysis. She tried all. Finally she gave up. She realized that without love, nothing works.

He gave up on love the day he realized it is not an aphrodisiac. 

Theirs is a happy marriage; they were compatible in their mutual absence of love for each other.


Husband: Do you love him?
Wife: No, its forbidden. 


She screamed out loud. She wanted to move away, move out of the room. But fear had her paralyzed. The servant was in the next room but he didnot hear her; her loud screams were silent. Fear had taken away her voice.

She stood there, screaming silently.

The cockroach kept staring at her nonchalantly.


Priya: How dare you! I needed the job badly; otherwise I would have never slept with you. I have a good character.

Boss: Baby, there is this thing about character. Once sold, always on sale. Tonight. 9 p.m.

Priya mentally calculated that she would still have some time to go shopping with her boyfriend.


Chandan, Kalyan, Amar, Bijay and two crates of beer. And an endless discussion.

An endless discussion on the smile Seema passed Bijay today. What could the smile possibly mean? This is a matter of life and death and they need to figure it out !

Indifference 1

Her husband did not love her. She was okay with it; love anyways happen only in romantic flicks. She wanted to know if he was also indifferent to her. If so, she will file for divorce.

She left tell tale signs of the afternoon affair with her neighbour all over their bedroom and went shopping.


"They leave behind their lazy habits for you! They meet you in their best behaviour and best dress!"

" And when I am around, they spend half the time sleeping! And the rest of the time, stinking !

" Its like..people are wooing you and ignoring me! I envy you !"

What sunday said to monday.

Indifference 2

Blue is her favourite; green her husband's. She asked the green dress to be billed and hurried home to remove all trace of her illicit affair.

She suddenly realized that she is too much in love with her husband to face his indifference.

And thus love spoilt another well thought of attempt at sane life.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

55 wordstory


She opened her mouth.

And shut it again and put down the chappati she was about to eat. If this rain continues, this chappati will be the only food for her one year child tomorrow.

She wished she had not kept her mouth shut when people were asking her the name of her child's father.


She remembered again the way he had looked at her yesterday; it's obvious he loves her as much as she loves him. Then she put to fire the love letter she had written him.

Sometime, the best love stories are the one which never happened. And now, there's will always be on fire.


She knew he was cheating on her. But every day, she sends him to office with a warm kiss on his lips.

Every night she puts her kid to sleep with the story of the frog who was turned to a prince by a warm kiss.


Her train is at 5.45 p.m. I really need to hurry if I want to see her this last time. I entered a CCD and ordered a Cappuccino. I took my first sip at 5.45 p.m. The sip felt like the first puff of a long waited smoke. 

A train of memory began its journey.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

"you n me, i this beautiful world"

the sunlit shadow of love in ur eyes
beckons me to you in a thousand way
a thousand and one time i go to you
a thousand and many time i return back
a thousand and so many time you call me again
a thousand and so many time i run to you again

now the path between you and me has lost its way..
whichever turn i take, it leads me to you
while coming back to me, i find you again

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


and suddenly
as love blindfolds me
and takes me to moonlit places
the unseen becomes seen, green
the unknown, known, yellow
the silence, a beautiful song !

banana peel

tat phase in love
wen we happily step on a banana peel
n kp hoping tat wings wud grow
b4 v reach th edge of the ground!