Wednesday, October 26, 2011


it is always innocent, gullible and powerful. it can be many things more, but without these three, its often not love

Monday, October 24, 2011

i always loved tadpole

i have always loved tadpole
and also how the sun looks
spread out in the water
below which the tadpole swims by...
also, i love the moon, the star, the wind by the sea
and your smile, your eyes and you

some time its you, your eyes and smile 
which carry me to the moon, the star and the wind by the sea
sometime its the moon, the star, the wind by the sea
which carry me to  you, your eyes and smile .
in-between i remain
as ever, loving those tadpoles
as they wriggle by in the sunlit water !

Sunday, October 23, 2011

funny is sad

It’s a funny day
It’s like
On this winter day
We sit together in the sun
And I tell you 
That I miss you..
And needless to say,
Sometime funny is sad...
Just that
I donot tell you
That I miss you
Sometime funny is sad...